Managed vs. Unmanaged Travel: Which Is Right For You?

Tired of the inefficiencies and hidden costs of unmanaged corporate travel? Learn how a managed travel solution can streamline your processes, save money, and improve employee satisfaction. Discover the key benefits, best practices, and top-rated platforms in the industry.

Managed Vs Unmanged Travel - WegoPro

Unmanaged corporate travel, a common practice in many businesses, involves employees independently booking their own travel arrangements. This approach, often relying on personal credit cards or generic online travel agencies, offers a degree of flexibility and autonomy. However, the lack of centralized control and oversight can lead to significant inefficiencies and hidden costs.

A recent study by Paxes revealed that over 50% of companies still rely on unmanaged travel, underscoring its prevalence despite the growing recognition of its drawbacks. One of the primary challenges is the lack of data insights. Without a centralized platform, companies struggle to gather comprehensive data on travel spending, booking patterns, and policy compliance. This lack of visibility makes it difficult to identify cost-saving opportunities and ensure that travel policies are being followed.

Additionally, unmanaged travel can pose challenges in fulfilling Duty of Care obligations for employees. When employees book their own travel, it can be difficult to ensure their safety and well-being, especially in unfamiliar or high-risk locations. A lack of centralized oversight can also make it challenging to respond effectively to emergencies or unexpected situations.

While unmanaged travel may offer some benefits, such as increased employee autonomy, these advantages are often outweighed by the drawbacks. As businesses grow and travel needs become more complex, the limitations of unmanaged travel become increasingly apparent. To address these challenges and unlock the potential for cost savings, improved efficiency, and enhanced employee safety, many organizations are turning to managed corporate travel solutions.

Ready to streamline your corporate travel and save money? Sign up for WegoPro today.

Understanding Unmanaged Business Travel

Unmanaged corporate travel, while seemingly straightforward, involves a significant degree of employee autonomy and flexibility. Employees are empowered to book their own travel arrangements, often using personal credit cards or generic online travel agencies. This approach can be appealing to organizations seeking to minimize upfront investment and bureaucratic hurdles.

The simplicity and flexibility of unmanaged travel can be attractive to both employers and employees. For organizations, it can reduce administrative overhead and allow for a more decentralized approach to travel management. Employees may appreciate the freedom to choose their preferred airlines, hotels, and travel dates, fostering a sense of independence and control.

However, while these benefits might seem attractive at first glance, they often mask significant drawbacks that can negatively impact a company's bottom line and operational efficiency.

Experience the benefits of managed travel with WegoPro. Sign up today!

Drawbacks of Unmanaged Corporate Travel

While unmanaged corporate travel offers flexibility and autonomy, it can also lead to several significant challenges that can negatively impact a company's bottom line and operational efficiency.

One of the primary drawbacks is the lack of control and visibility. Without a centralized platform, companies struggle to track travel expenses, identify cost-saving opportunities, and ensure compliance with travel policies.

Additionally, unmanaged travel can increase costs due to a lack of negotiation power and the potential for employees to choose more expensive options. Without standardized booking processes and negotiated rates, companies may be paying a premium for travel services.

Furthermore, unmanaged travel can pose security risks, as it can be difficult to track employee locations, ensure their safety, and comply with Duty of Care obligations.

i. Lack of Control

One of the most significant drawbacks of unmanaged corporate travel is the lack of control and visibility. Without a centralized platform, companies struggle to track travel expenses, identify cost-saving opportunities, and ensure compliance with travel policies. This lack of oversight can lead to a loss of control over travel spending and increased vulnerability to fraud. Companies may have difficulty tracking travel expenses, making it challenging to identify areas for cost reduction. Without clear guidelines and enforcement, employees may not adhere to travel policies, leading to unnecessary expenses and potential legal issues. Without data on travel patterns and spending, it is difficult to identify opportunities for negotiating better rates or consolidating travel arrangements.

ii. Increased Costs

Unmanaged corporate travel can lead to increased costs due to a lack of negotiation power and the potential for employees to choose more expensive options. When employees book their own travel, they may not have access to the same negotiated rates and discounts that a centralized travel management platform can secure. Additionally, employees may be tempted to choose more expensive options for comfort or convenience, without considering the overall cost to the company. Without a centralized approach, companies may miss out on opportunities to negotiate better rates with airlines, hotels, and car rental companies. Employees may prioritize personal preferences over cost-effectiveness, leading to higher travel expenditures. Unmanaged travel can lead to hidden costs, such as fees for baggage, seat selection, or hotel amenities.

iii. Security Risks

Unmanaged corporate travel can pose significant security risks for companies and their employees. Without proper policies and procedures in place, companies may be vulnerable to security breaches, compliance issues, and employee safety concerns. When employees book their own travel, they may be exposed to phishing scams, data breaches, and other security threats. Unmanaged travel can make it difficult to ensure compliance with travel policies, regulatory requirements, and Duty of Care obligations. Without proper tracking and support, employees may be at risk of accidents, emergencies, or security incidents while traveling.

iv. Inefficient Processes

Unmanaged corporate travel can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to inefficiencies and increased administrative burdens. Manual booking and expense management processes can be cumbersome and prone to mistakes. Employees may spend significant time researching and booking travel arrangements, taking away from their core job responsibilities. Manual expense reporting can be prone to errors and inconsistencies, leading to delays and increased administrative costs. Without standardized booking and expense management processes, it can be difficult to ensure consistency and efficiency.

v. Limited Data

Unmanaged corporate travel does not provide the data needed for informed decision-making. Without a centralized platform, companies struggle to gather data on travel spending, booking patterns, and policy compliance. This lack of data can hinder their ability to identify cost-saving opportunities, measure the effectiveness of travel policies, and make data-driven decisions. Without data, companies may have limited visibility into travel trends, spending patterns, and policy compliance. Without data, it can be challenging to measure the return on investment of travel programs and identify areas for improvement. Without data-driven insights, companies may make decisions based on assumptions rather than evidence.

Tired of the inefficiencies and costs associated with unmanaged travel? Schedule a WegoPro demo and take control of your corporate travel.

Unmanaged vs. Managed Corporate Travel - The Comparison


Unmanaged Corporate Travel

Managed Corporate Travel

Policy & Procedure Development

Ad-hoc, informal

Centralized, comprehensive



Centralized, automated

Trip Arrangements


Platform-based, negotiated rates

Policy Enforcement


Rigorous, automated

Payment Management


Centralized, automated

Travel Support & Risk Mitigation


Comprehensive, 24/7 support

Expense Management

Manual, time-consuming

Automated, streamlined



Detailed, customizable

Reviewing & Refining


Continuous, data-driven

See how WegoPro stacks up against unmanaged travel. Sign up for a free trial and experience the difference.

Why WegoPro is the Best Corporate Travel Management Platform

WegoPro offers a comprehensive managed travel solution that addresses the challenges of unmanaged corporate travel by providing a centralized platform to streamline the entire travel process, from booking to expense management. The centralized approach offers several key advantages. Let’s look into these.

Centralized Control

Visibility and Oversight: WegoPro provides a centralized dashboard that gives you complete visibility into your travel program, allowing you to track expenses, monitor policy compliance, and identify cost-saving opportunities.

Streamlined Processes: By automating tasks such as booking, expense management, and policy enforcement, WegoPro simplifies the travel process and reduces administrative burdens.

Enhanced Compliance: WegoPro helps ensure compliance with travel policies, regulatory requirements, and Duty of Care obligations by providing clear guidelines, automated enforcement, and real-time tracking.

Cost Savings

Negotiated Rates - WegoPro leverages our extensive network of travel suppliers to secure the best possible rates for your company.

Optimized Travel Spend - By analyzing your travel data, WegoPro can identify opportunities to optimize your travel spend, such as consolidating bookings, choosing more cost-effective options, and negotiating better terms.

Reduced Administrative Costs - By automating tasks and reducing manual effort, WegoPro can help you save time and money on administrative overhead.

Enhanced Security

Risk Mitigation - WegoPro helps mitigate security risks by providing tools for tracking employee locations, ensuring compliance with travel policies, and responding to emergencies.

Duty of Care - WegoPro helps you fulfill your Duty of Care obligations by providing support services, emergency assistance, and real-time tracking.

Policy Enforcement - WegoPro automates policy enforcement, ensuring that employees adhere to travel guidelines and reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Improved Efficiency

Automation - WegoPro automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with corporate travel, such as booking, expense management, and policy enforcement.

Streamlined Processes - By standardizing and streamlining your travel processes, WegoPro can help you save time and improve efficiency.

Reduced Errors - Automation can help reduce the risk of human error, ensuring accuracy and consistency in your travel program.

Data-Driven Insights

Comprehensive Data - WegoPro collects and analyzes data on your travel program, providing you with valuable insights into your travel spending, booking patterns, policy compliance, and more.

Informed Decision Making - By leveraging data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions about your travel policies, strategies, and budget allocation.

Continuous Improvement - WegoPro helps you identify areas for improvement and optimize your travel program based on data-driven insights.

Experience the difference; Sign up for WegoPro now!

FAQs on Managed Corporate Travel

Q.1. What is the difference between managed and unmanaged travel?Ans. Managed travel involves a centralized platform that streamlines the entire travel process, while unmanaged travel is booked and managed by individual employees.

Q.2. How can managed travel save my company money?Ans. Managed travel solutions can save money by leveraging negotiation power, optimizing booking processes, and providing data-driven insights.

Q.3. Is managed travel difficult to implement?Ans. No, managed travel solutions are designed to be user-friendly and can be implemented with minimal disruption to your business.

Q.4. Can managed travel help improve employee satisfaction?Ans. Yes, managed travel can improve employee satisfaction by providing a more efficient and enjoyable travel experience.

Q.5. How can managed travel help mitigate security risks?Ans. Managed travel solutions can help mitigate security risks by enforcing travel policies, providing 24/7 support, and tracking employee locations.

Q.6. What kind of data can I access with a managed travel solution?Ans. You can access data on travel spend, booking patterns, policy compliance, and others.

Q.7. How often should I review and refine my travel policies?Ans. It's recommended to review and refine your travel policies regularly, ideally every six months or annually.

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